أخبار العالمالشرق الأوسطبحوث ودراسات

The Geopolitical Penetration of the US-Israeli Axis and the Recruitment of Elites and Officials: Confessions from the Yemeni Spy Network as a Realistic Example

Recently, under the global spotlight, the Yemeni Ansar Allah group unveiled the existence of an advanced spy network composed of Yemeni elites and officials, along with American and Israeli nationals, spread across various sectors within Yemen.

This revelation, announced by security authorities in the capital, Sana’a, exposes a long-standing clandestine operation involving espionage and sabotage targeting both governmental and non-governmental institutions. It underscores the complexities of geopolitical relations in the region and their profound impact on regional and international security. Let’s delve deeper into the details for a better understanding of the situation.

On Monday, June 10, Yemeni authorities revealed a complex spy network associated with the CIA and Israeli intelligence, which had been targeting Yemen’s economic, security, and military infrastructure for decades to serve American and Israeli interests.

The head of the Houthi Security and Intelligence Service, Abdul Hakim Al-Khaiwani, confirmed that members of this network had been actively involved in espionage and sabotage for decades within Yemen’s official and unofficial institutions. Equipped with espionage tools from American intelligence and benefiting from international and UN disguises, they pursued their agendas.

On Saturday, June 22, significant confessions from the US-Israeli spy network were unveiled, revealing their strategies in targeting Yemen’s national economy and its economic, security, and military institutions.

Even after the US embassy in Sana’a closed in 2015, the network continued its operations, including collecting sensitive intelligence on the Yemeni government, its directions, and financial resources. They also influenced government decisions and steered policies to serve enemy agendas. The disclosure of the network and the interrogation of its members highlighted the extent of the network’s impact on Yemen, as it was not merely a spy network but part of a broader strategy aiming to achieve geopolitical gains for the US and Israel at the expense of Yemeni sovereignty and stability, destroying the country from within with Yemeni hands.

The network worked to recruit economic officials and business owners, undermining Yemen’s economic capabilities and targeting the agricultural and health sectors to sow discord and increase tensions within Yemeni society.

According to these confessions, hostile activities specifically targeted vital sectors such as banks, oil and gas companies, the energy sector, and commercial and industrial sectors.

Among the spies’ confessions was the collection of information about various financial sectors and banks, including the central and commercial banks, and analyzing financial and commercial market conditions.

They also focused their efforts on exploiting information about Yemen’s oil, gas, and precious metals to influence the local economy and steer it to serve the strategic interests of American and Israeli companies.

Additionally, the confessions revealed the network’s economic pressure activities, which involved engaging international financial institutions to control Yemen’s financial markets and direct financial and tax policies to serve external agendas.

In another context, the spies confirmed their role in supporting “economic reform” programs aiming to push Yemen’s economy towards privatization and the abolition of protectionism, leading to the dismantling of traditional economic structures and increasing Yemen’s economic dependency on external powers.

Ultimately, these confessions expose the extent of economic conspiracy and foreign interference in Yemen’s internal affairs, emphasizing the importance of protecting Yemen’s economic and national sovereignty and its right to achieve sustainable development that serves its people’s interests and maintains its economic independence.

One of the most dangerous aspects of this spy network was its military involvement. The network sought to obtain secret military information about the Yemeni armed forces, monitored military movements, provided coordinates, and managed spy cells within Yemeni military institutions, similarly with Yemeni hands from within the military establishment reporting and relaying information.

Since declaring its independence in 1776, the United States has sought to expand its influence globally. Since the end of World War II, it has pursued policies aimed at dominance and control over other countries under slogans like “freedom and democracy.”

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States emerged as a global hegemonic power. However, new challenges arose from Yemen, led by Abdul Malik Badreddin Al-Houthi, demonstrating the Yemeni people’s capabilities in confronting American and Israeli agendas. Additionally, the rise of the Houthi movement effectively targeted US and Israeli regional and international interests.

This highlights the importance and danger of the espionage activities conducted by the US-Israeli network in Yemen, confirming the significant negative impact of this intervention on various aspects of life in Yemen.

Historically, American and Israeli powers have skillfully infiltrated countries without leaving any trace of their intervention, or let’s say without being exposed to this extent. They achieved this by recruiting influential state figures with authority, making them traitors and spies serving these powers’ interests and agendas.

In Yemen, for instance, these powers managed to gain complete control over events, turning the country into a victim of spy networks that leaked confidential information, impacted the economy, politics, and national security, and more so contributed to the systematic disruption of the state’s interests.

This betrayal and espionage manifested in complex operations aimed at paralyzing internal movements, depleting local capacities, dismantling state structures, impoverishing the country, and making it a hostage to external forces that control it, rendering it a state without sovereignty.

The American and Israeli intervention wasn’t always as blatantly evil as it might seem; it often appeared as the savior offering aid and solutions. However, in reality, this intervention served hidden agendas related solely to these powers’ interests.

In this context, this period in history is not favorable for the West. The truths exposed have shattered their claims, whether concerning the war in Palestine or the international rebellion against them, as well as the exposure of the Yemeni spy network and the rising power of the East.

Over the decades, the United States and Israel have followed a specific approach to infiltrate countries, involving espionage and control over governments through influential figures executing their agendas. Most leaders and officials are essentially employees of the Americans and the West.

These powers conducted in-depth studies on Yemeni societies and tribal histories to effectively apply their strategies by recruiting influential and Western-culture-enthused figures. Without sufficient cultural immunity or awareness, Western powers managed to infiltrate these countries under the guise of human rights, democracy, and women’s rights.

This scheme wasn’t limited to Yemen but repeated in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen, with similar scenarios likely in other countries.

Today, a general overview of situations in many countries, especially in Africa, reveals they are experiencing the same economic and security conditions Yemen did: instability and foreign intervention under the guise of human rights.

We can conclude that what’s happening in Yemen is a model for understanding the situation in many other countries around the world.

The Western presence and infiltration eroding many countries are the primary and fundamental factors behind their instability. Looking back in history, the fragility of these states results from the colonial heritage, the period of occupation, and previous colonization by these predatory powers.

In the midst of rapid global geopolitical developments, hypotheses agree that this period represents the worst times in history for America, Israel, and the West in general, potentially being the final blow to their dominance.

On one hand, the Gaza war revealed the West’s true face to the world, causing a shake in the stereotypical image of Western powers.

On the other hand, the developments in Yemen and their implications for the region and the world highlight the importance of reassessing geopolitical calculations.

Concurrently, the Eastern bloc emerged strongly as a potential alternative, possessing the necessary capabilities to replace and compensate for the long-standing Western dominance.

In these circumstances, all nations must seriously and deeply consider these developments, analyze what’s happening today in Yemen, and apply the Yemeni experience to their internal situations to avoid catastrophic consequences or at least wake up before it’s too late to stop the bleeding.

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