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The American Plan Triumphs and Shakes European Elections: The Rise of the Right with American Tactics

Far-right parties in Europe have seen a surge in seats, securing first place in Italy and France, and second place in the Netherlands and Germany, amidst turbulent atmospheres and major public criticism of mainstream political currents.

The significance of these elections lies in the fact that the European Commission and the European Parliament are responsible for drafting, discussing, and enforcing regulations and standards that impact security, defense, agriculture, finance, the environment, and immigration for member states.

Before discussing the winds of change that have swept through Europe again, boosting right-wing parties, it is essential to note that the European Union countries are not in complete harmony. There are many internal tensions, as well as disagreements and rivalries among European nations, which the United States understands and exploits to its advantage, manipulating European countries and keeping them under its influence.

Eastern European countries and the Baltic states are largely aligned with the United States, especially evident in their stances on relations with Russia and the Ukrainian war. For example, Romania and Poland participated in dismantling the Eastern Bloc, and many of their politicians admit to their subservience to America.

Similarly, the Republics of Moldova and Georgia are led by politicians educated in American universities, who have worked in American companies and implemented American policies.

Central countries like the UK, France, and Germany have varying relationships with the United States, often following its lead in many political matters but with a limited margin for maneuvering towards independence, which they struggle to achieve in most foreign affairs.

Many European leaders, including British leaders, have received leadership training in American institutes, and some have worked in American companies. For instance, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Labour Party leader Keir Starmer, who has a deep and questionable relationship with the United States and is listed among the secret members of the British American Project (BAP). This project, funded by the US Embassy in the 1980s, was established amidst CIA concerns about the “anti-American drift” within the Labour Party, as revealed by Declassified newspaper.

Examples of contentious issues between America and Europe include:

European countries’ stance on Turkey’s accession to the EU, which they viewed as an American “Trojan Horse” that would weaken central countries like Germany and France through voting quotas on European decisions.

The European relationship with Russia, where Germany and France specifically tried to maintain European security by fostering good relations with Russia. France refused to classify NATO as Russia’s main adversary, attempted to downplay NATO’s importance, and called for strategic independence from the United States through Macron’s call for a parallel European force to reduce dependence on the US for security, and his effort to maintain France’s influence in West Africa. Macron stated, “We refuse to be short-sighted and bet everything on the American umbrella… We do not want to wake up too late.” He also said, “There is no good sovereignty if one is subordinate. There is no strong Europe.”

France’s attempt to think outside the box in the Libyan file, which led some American officials to warn about France’s intentions in Libya.

Germany’s attempt to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO and to contain the Ukrainian-Russian conflict through the Minsk platform without success, ultimately following America’s will despite the conflict and the Ukrainian war harming its economy and relations with Russia, increasing its dependence on the US, and silencing the debate about NATO’s strategic value and expansion.

European policy aligns with the US in Middle Eastern issues, often serving American policy, especially in supporting Israeli security and pressuring the right-wing Zionist government. Current European governments and right-wing governments like Italy’s have criticized the Israeli government regarding its aggression on Gaza and have hinted at recognizing the “Palestinian state.”

Europe follows the American project concerning Islamic value challenges that threaten the centrality of Western values and interests.

America invests in and directs the European right through Trump’s advisor Steve Bannon, exploiting his anti-migrant calls to push for Brexit and to fragment official European positions, political unity, and European identity in favor of the “West” concept to reinforce the Western alliance led by the US and the Anglo-Saxon race, justifying American intervention in European policies and relations with Russia and China.

Notably, Macron’s “Renew Europe Group” lost more than 23 seats after a collapse in voter support in France, securing 15% of the votes compared to over 31% for the National Front led by Jordan Bardella, who is emerging as a potential French Prime Minister candidate, prompting Macron to dissolve the French parliament and organize new parliamentary elections.

The elections also saw an increase in the share of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and her “European Conservatives and Reformists” group, which secured nearly 11% of the seats, making her coalition the fourth-largest in the European Parliament, allowing her to directly influence the selection of the Parliament President and the European Commission President.

The elections highlighted political fragmentation within the EU, with over 185 parties participating, divided on various European issues such as Ukraine, security, energy, migration, and integration.

This division includes the right itself, which consists of four groups: the center-right, including the “European People’s Party” and the “Renew Europe Group”; the populist right, including the “European Conservatives and Reformists”; the far-right, including the “Identity and Democracy” group; and the extreme right, including parties like the “Alternative for Germany” and Austria’s “Freedom Party” (FPO).

An examination of the political landscape in Europe shows that the right is not a unified entity and does not have a unified vision. The “European People’s Party” led by Ursula von der Leyen consists of 47 national parties from 28 European countries, with multiple disagreements regarding EU expansion, migration handling, and meeting environmental commitments in the face of private sector discontent.

Notably, the success of the far-right parties, such as Germany’s “Alternative for Germany,” Austria’s “Freedom Party” (FPO), Portugal’s “Chega,” Hungary’s “Fidesz,” Spain’s “End the Party,” and Poland’s “Confederation for Liberty and Independence,” has been built on voter discontent among the 18-35 age group, especially males dissatisfied with the ruling systems and their unresponsiveness to their aspirations, drawing in many rebellious youths by exploiting voter discontent with the Green parties due to the required changes and their cost to meet environmental commitments amid the price crisis, and dissatisfaction with how parties, the political elite, and democratic institutions operate.

Europe has witnessed an increase in demonstrations by farmers and others, spreading widely across multiple countries, including the harsh treatment Macron faced at the agricultural exhibition in Paris.

This success is attributed to the increased number of new voters, those who turned 18, reaching around 23 million in these elections, with 12.4 million voters in Germany, France, and Italy alone, where voter interests and complaints aligned, including opposition to globalization, free trade, environmental laws, Brussels’ dominance, and its laws over European voters’ lives.

The elections clearly weakened the chances of left-wing lawmakers, who support the Palestinian cause, reducing the power of voices influencing the EU’s policy, which is already characterized by double standards and significant alignment with Tel Aviv.

Leftist party deputies like “France Insoumise” have participated in all pro-Palestinian demonstrations, demanded sanctions and arms bans on Israel, called for recognizing Palestine as a state, and refrained from labeling Hamas as a terrorist group, unlike other French political groups.

Gaza has highlighted deep divisions within the EU over the Palestinian issue, with Germany remaining sensitive about its handling of “Israel,” while France’s stance is one of wait-and-see, as stated by French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné, “recognizing the State of Palestine is not taboo for Paris.”

Spain and Ireland’s recognition, along with Norway and Slovenia’s joining them in recognizing Palestine, has brought the issue to the forefront more than ever, making it a central topic in Spanish political debate, strengthening support for the far-left Sumar Party, the Socialist Party, and the ruling coalition.

However, events in Gaza were not among the primary motivations for voters’ shift towards the right in Europe, with their motivations varying, most notably dissatisfaction with European governments’ immigration and economic policies.

The elections represent a referendum on Macron’s vision for defense, security, and strategic independence, which Steve Bannon did not hide in his comments on previous elections.

An analysis of the right-wing parties’ (center and populist) political programs shows a general consensus on rejecting Macron’s “European army” project, increasing military spending, tying Europe’s defense to NATO, supporting Ukraine, and maintaining sanctions on Russia.

The political, economic, security, and social crises fueled by the United States in Europe, coupled with American influence in political circles, financial institutions, and media shaping voters’ moods, have created an internal European balance against any attempts by France or other old powers, like Germany, which has been hurt by the cessation of Russian gas, to one day work against US control over Europe or question its agenda.

Therefore, the US strives to convert far-right parties into center-right ones, disrupt the political balance between influential countries like France and Germany and newcomer countries from Eastern Europe and the Baltic states, who are still influenced by Cold War mentality and hostility towards Russia, to deepen tension with Russia and reinforce control structures over European security through NATO and American defense industries.

The US also aims to maintain tension hotspots in Europe and the South China Sea, investing in European, Chinese, and Russian reactions to prevent their alliance. This includes North Korea’s agreement to sign a mutual defense pact with Russia during Putin’s recent visit to North Korea and Vietnam, and South Korea’s threat to supply Ukraine with weapons in response to the Russian agreement with Pyongyang, alarming China about Russia’s advance into its strategic area and expanding its conflict with the West near its borders.

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