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Oprah Winfrey Surprises DNC With Night Three Speech

Oprah Winfrey surprised the audience on the third night of the Democratic National Convention with a passionate speech in support of Kamala Harris, emphasizing that “decency and respect are on the ballot.”

Rumors about Winfrey’s appearance began circulat ingjust an hour before her speech, and DNC announcer shinte dat her as an up coming speaker  moments before she took the stage.

Winfrey reflected on her experiences living across various states, highlighting the diversity and challenges she has witnessed.  

She shared, “I’velived in Mississippi, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Maryland, Indiana, Florida, Hawaii, Colorado, California, and sweet home Chicago.

I’vetraveled this country from the redwood forests to the gulf stream waters, witnessing racism, sexism, incomeine quality, and division.

But more oftent han not, I’veen countered people—conservative and liberala like—who, despite their differences, are willing to help others in need. These individual smake me proud to call myself an American.”

She also reference drecent controver sialre marks by Republican Vice President candidate J.D.

 Vancere garding “childless cat ladies,” humorously stating that whenneig hborsunite to put out a house fire, no one asks about political affiliations.

 “And if it’s a childless cat lady’s house, we’llsave the cat too,” shead ded with a grin.

Throughou ther speech, Winfrey touched on significant his torical figures, including Tessie Prevost Williams, a pioneer of school deseg regation who recently passed away.

Shedrew parallels between Williams, Ruby Bridges, and Harris, who was part of one of the first desegregated classes in Berkeley, California.

Winfrey also spoke about the importance of voting, describing it as “the best of America.”

She expressed pride in being a registered Independent, eager to vote repeatedly, saying, “because I’m an American, and that’s what Americans do.” Sheurged independents and undecided voters to recognize that values and character are paramount in this election, reiterating that “decency and respect are on the ballot in 2024.”

In closing, Winfreyemphasized the importance of loyalty to the Constitution over anyindividual and choosingoptimism over cynicism. Sheechoed the convention’s “joy” theme, encouraging the audience to embracetruth, honor, and joy, as theserepresent “the best of America.”

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