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‘Israel’s’ threats to Sayyed al-Sistani expose sectarian schemes: Iraq

“Israel’s” threats against Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali al-Sistani show that they aim to expand the scope of the war to distract from its losses and crimes in Gaza and Lebanon, Iraq’s Head of the Islamic Scholars Association said.

Israeli Channel 14 recently leaked an image revealing what it described as  “Israel’s target list” of prominent regional leaders. Among those listed was Iraq’s highest religious authority, Sayyed Ali al-Sistani, who was marked as a “legitimate target.” The leak has raised serious concerns, further highlighting the escalating tensions in the region and the potential targeting of influential figures by “Israel”.

Iraq’s Head of the Islamic Scholars Association, Sheikh Khaled Al-Mulla, has condemned the threats made by the Israeli occupation against prominent religious figures, including Najaf-based Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali al-Sistani, stating that these actions confirm that “Israel” is waging a religious war against Muslims.

In a statement to Al Mayadeen, Sheikh Al-Mulla emphasized that “Israel” is attempting to frame the ongoing war as being directed against a specific sect, but he believes it will ultimately fail in this endeavour.

He criticized the Israeli threats against Sayyed al-Sistani, asserting that they aim to expand the scope of the war to distract from its losses and crimes in Gaza and Lebanon.

Sheikh Al-Mulla also pointed out that the Israeli occupation is courting criminal gangs, like ISIS, which Sayyed al-Sistani has previously called to fight against.

Furthermore, he stressed that the “Zionist entity has lost all its leverage and is now resorting to sectarianism in an attempt to sow discord among Muslims”.

Sheikh Al-Mulla expressed unwavering solidarity with Sayyed al-Sistani and all scholars who stand for justice against oppression. He affirmed that “Israel” will not succeed in undermining the influential role of Sayyed al-Sistani, who has been instrumental in calming sectarian tensions.

Additionally, Sheikh Al-Mulla referenced a previous warning from Sayyed Khamenei regarding the entity’s attempts to incite discord among Muslims, stating that the scholars possess significant wisdom to counter these threats.

Iraq condemns Israeli actions, calls for UN support against insults to Muslims

Commenting on this issue, the Iraqi government stated that both the government and the people of Iraq have made every effort to prevent the escalation of war, but the Israeli entity and its government have only exacerbated the situation.

It called on the United Nations to reject any actions that insult the sentiments of Muslims and target influential global figures deserving of respect.

The Iraqi government condemned the “Zionist entity, asserting that it operates as a criminal gang that thrives on creating crises and perpetuating aggression and war.”

In a related context, the Iraqi Presidency reiterated its unwavering support for the Palestinian cause and the right of its people to self-determination. It emphasized that Iraq is intensifying efforts to halt the aggression against both Palestine and Lebanon. Additionally, the Iraqi Presidency expressed strong condemnation of the attacks by Israeli media on Iraq’s highest religious authority.

Why it matters

Sayyed Ali al-Sistani, Iraq’s highest religious authority, has played a pivotal leadership role during some of the country’s most critical moments. His influence has been evident through his firm stances during the US occupation, the rise of ISIS, and its control over large areas of Iraq. Sayyed Al-Sistani has consistently supported the Palestinian and Lebanese Resistance, while advocating for the rights and well-being of the region’s people, cementing his position as a key figure in shaping both Iraq’s domestic and regional policies.

The rise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria prompted Sayyed Ali al-Sistani to issue a historic fatwa in 2014, leading to the formation of the PMF, a key force in defeating ISIS. Sayyed Al-Sistani, an influential Shia leader, holds significant sway over millions of followers. His influence exemplifies the political power of religious leadership in resisting occupation and imperialism.

Backing the oppressed against the Israeli occupation

Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali al-Sistani has lately issued a directive calling on Iraqis to host forcibly displaced Lebanese people amid the ongoing brutal Israeli aggression. Iraqis responded swiftly, following his guidance, and have opened their homes and resources to thousands of Lebanese refugees now being hosted free of charge across Iraq.

On September 23, the office Sayyed al-Sistani, expressed profound solidarity with the people of Lebanon, extending heartfelt condolences for their immense suffering in light of the ongoing Israeli aggression, which has claimed nearly 200 lives and left more than 700 wounded.

At the time, the top religious authority urged for “every possible effort” to stop the Israeli aggression and protect the Lebanese people from its devastating effects and called for action to “help alleviate their suffering and ensure their humanitarian needs are met.”

A  staunch advocate for co-existence

Going back to 2021, Pope Francis met with Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, in Najaf, Iraq, to convey a message of peaceful coexistence.

This significant meeting took place in al-Sistani’s modest residence and was the result of extensive discussions and negotiations between the Ayatollah’s office and the Vatican that spanned several months.

At the time, al-Sistani’s office issued a statement emphasizing the role of religious authorities in safeguarding Iraq’s Christians. The leader “affirmed his concern that Christian citizens should live like all Iraqis in peace and security, and with their full constitutional rights.”

In response, the Vatican stated that Pope Francis expressed gratitude to al-Sistani for having “raised his voice in defence of the weakest and most persecuted” during some of Iraq’s most tumultuous times. The statement noted that al-Sistani’s message of peace underscored “the sacredness of human life and the importance of the unity of the Iraqi people.”

The escalating Israeli threat for such a great religious figure poses a severe danger, with the potential to ignite a full-scale war.

Meanwhile, tensions in West Asia are already intensifying, and any Israeli assassination of top religious leaders could trigger a broader war, fostering instability throughout the entire region. 


By Al Mayadeen English

Source: Al Mayadeen

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