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“European Maelstrom: Serbian President Predicts ‘Continental War, Putin’s Fall, Millions Lost’ Within 90 Days’

In a televised interview, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić unveiled a chilling geopolitical forecast. He asserted that the West aims to weaken Putin through the Ukraine conflict, subsequently intervening with its forces to dismantle Russia as we know it. Vučić cautioned that the European theater of conflict is poised for rapid escalation in the coming months, potentially spiraling into a global conflagration. His words paint a stark picture of impending international turmoil, raising alarm bells across diplomatic channels.

-President Aleksandar Vučić «  The west thinks that they can win easily against Putin, they want to exhaust him in Ukraine and then they will enter the space and then Russia in today’s territory and the wy it’s shaped like today won’t exist anymore and Putin will be overthrown.

The train has left the station and no one can stop it, and it looks like that, and I belive that we are getting close to the last days of possible rethinking and reconsidering of everything that is happening in Ukraine. If those big powers don’t do anything in a short period of time, I’m pretty much certain that we’ll face a real disaster.

If you bet on the fact that someone is bluffing, it means that you have no better cards, but you just belive that the other side has weaker cards and you’re not sure about it bcause you don’t know and you didn’t see his or their cards.

Everyboody is only speaking about war, nobody wants to reach the peace, nobody speaks about peace, peace is almost a forbidden word, please notice this, because they say we need to win in order to secure future peace but nobody’s speaking about peace and then okay you negotiate it but you have to have the other side on the table as well.

It’s very strange to me that no one is actually attempting to stop the war. there is another theory which I can understand, don’t say that I do approve but I understand that the West thinks that  they can win easily against Putin, they want to exhaust him in Ukraine and then they will enter the space and then Russia in today’s territory and the wy it’s shaped like today won’t exist anymore and Putin will be overthrown, maybe it’s possible. »

-President Aleksandar Vučić « it weakened Russia anyway, but is it enough to destroy Russia and to overthrow Putin, I don’t believe so.

In today’s Europe, they all act like big heroes, but they did not say to their people that they will pay a very big price, and speaking about it, you and all these leaders should do absolutely everything in order to stop any kind of warmongering behavior.

Why I’m speaking that we are getting close to precipice to the abys, analyz the situation of NATO and the U.S. they cannot afford themselves losing the war in Ukraine, which means Russia cannot win because first of all their political legacy will not exist or it’ll be so poor that they cannot allow themselves, number two, the position of Europe and the West collective west in geopolitical terms will deteriorate so much that no one would be able to revive it and to renew it, number three, it will open Pandora’s box for more movements at least and hostilities against collective West in the future, that’s a nice story for one side but take the other side, if Putin loses the war, Russia will not exist and won’t be shaped like it is today and then when you have these two sides so far from each other with their wishes, with their expectations then you see that everything is at stake, no one can afford to himself or itself to themsselves to lose when you have this situation, that’s why I was saying publicly and not hiding it that we are getting closer to a real disaster. 

Who is ready to lose 1 million, 2 million,5 million, 10 million and 15 million people, ask yourself.

I’m not ready to lose a single man and we won’t participate in that, but it’s a question for some other people. »

-President Aleksandar Vučić «  I cannot say a 3rd world war but that big confrontation, I belive that we are not far from it not more than 3,4 months, and there is a danger that it can happen even before that. »

-President Aleksandar Vučić «  we’ll keep peace, stability and tranquility within the region and in our country. »

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