Dmitry PRIMSCHITZ, Deputy Director for Research and Innovation of the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Yury SCHARBAKOU, Head of the Belarusian-Chinese Analytical Development Center of the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
For 70 years of contemporary history, China has achieved outstanding success in social and economic development. Due to effective model of economic development under the leadership of the Communist Party, the People’s Republic of China got average annual growth of the national economy at 8.1 % (including 9.4 % in the period of implementation of the reform and openness policy), raised gross national income (GNI) per capita from 54 to 9,732 US dollars, gained average life expectancy of Chinese citizens from 42 years to 77 years, boosted foreign exchange reserves from 0.108 to 3070 billion US dollars, scaled the share of the Chinese economy in the global volume from 1.2% to 16% for the period 1952–2018.
At present, China is at least the second economy in the world, which has developed dynamically, contributing in the global economy growth up to 27.5%. Moreover, the quality of the growth of the Chinese economy is predominantly ensured by domestic consumption and accelerated innovative development of advanced industries, which are the core of future technological structures forming the basis for decades of advanced social and economic development.
Due to the diligence and dedication of the Chinese people, their broad support of the effective efforts of the party leadership to form a new image of the country, China has passed a fruitful 70-year-long path of overcoming obstacles, rebirth and rapid development, becoming one of the most influential world powers.
An important factor of the dynamic development of China is the wide involvement of the expert and scientific community in the development and implementation of a long-term strategy for the country’s comprehensive evolution, the systematical formation of an extensive network of think tanks providing analytical support for the activities of state governing bodies.
It is difficult to overestimate the current role of think tanks, since they have a significant impact on decision-makers and public opinion at home and abroad. Firstly, think tanks provide a mutually beneficial relationship between scientific and political circles. As a result, researchers provide state bodies with new ideas and strategic approaches to their implementation. Secondly, they connect the political establishment with society, as they explain to the public the policies of the leadership
through the media and inform the authorities about the mood and expectations of society. Thirdly, they build bridges with the outside world, represent the country to foreigners and have a constructive dialogue with them. Think tanks are a powerful social institution of present time, especially considering the traditional predominance of confidential informal communication channels in their activities.
Having achieved significant success in establishing a network of think tanks, China goes even further – as a part of the implementation of the policy of reforms and opening up, Chinese institutions are actively sharing best practice in state building and social development with foreign experts, including in the frame of the organization of think tanks’ activities.
10-days visit to China of experts from think tanks from foreign countries demonstrated that one of the most important historical lessons of China’s development is the ability to learn from others, adopt effective economic construction experience, taking into account national characteristics, skillfully adapt and improve international best practices. Modern China is a locomotive of economic and innovative evolution, the guarantor of peace and stability in key regions of the world, the source of good governance practices.
During our visit to Beijing, Ningbo, Hangzhou, Huzhou, Jili and other cities, China appeared both ancient and modern, a state with a communist ideology and a powerful market economy, traditional philosophy and the widespread introduction of digital technologies, unique and open to the world.
We believe that holding such events is actual and significant, since it allows to discuss a wide range of issues on the international agenda, listen to different opinions, establish new contacts with colleagues, share experience, identify common priorities and agree on approaches for further work, which contribute to the fruitful joint promotion of progressive foreign economic strategies that ensure mutual benefit, preserving and strengthening the institutions of the global economic system, including in the framework of «Belt and Road» Initiative.
During a short visit of experts of international think tanks to China, the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus found like- minded persons with whom it intends to develop strategic cooperation for the benefit of the peoples of our countries. Separately, it should be noted the International Center of Strategic, Security and Military Studies (Tunisia), with which an agreement on scientific cooperation was concluded in hospitable Chinese land.