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California Police Arrest Suspect in Connection with Matthew Perry’s Death

Authorities in California have arrested an individual in connection with the death of actor Matthew Perry, according to law enforcement sources.

NBC News reportedthat the arresttook place in SouthernCalifornia on Thursday, following an announcement by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in May that they were investigating how Perry, known for hisrole in *Friends*, acquired prescription drugs.

The LAPD has yet to provide additional details regarding the arrest.

Perry, whohad publiclys haredhis struggle swith addiction, was discovered deceased in a hot tub athis Los Angeles residence in October 2023.

According to the Los Angeles medicalexaminer’s office, Perry’s death was attributed to “the acute effects of ketamine.” The examiner also not ed that drowning, coronary ar terydisease, and the presence of buprenorphine, a medicationused to treatopioiddependence, contributed to hisdeath.

The autopsy revealed ketamine levels in Perry’s bloodstream consistent with those used for general anesthesia.

“At the highlevels of ketaminefound in his postmor tembloods pecimens, the main lethal effects would befrom bothcardiovascular over stimulation and respirat orydepression,” the autopsy report stated. Perry’s death was classified as an accident, with no signs of foul play detected.

Back in May, the LAPD and the Drug Enforcement Administration announced a joint criminal investigation to determine how the 54-year-old actor obtained the prescription drugs and why such a significant amount was present in his system.

The medical examine rnotedthat Perry was under goingketamine infusion therapy for anxiety and depressionat the time of hisdeath. However, the examiner clarified that Perry’s mostrecent treatment, whichoccurred one and a halfweeksprior to hisdeath, did not account for the elevatedlevels of ketamine in his system.

Perry, whohad long spokenopenly about hisbattlewith substance abuse, revealedthathis addiction issues beganat the age of 14 and worsenedduringhis time on *Friends*.

At the time of his passing, the medicalexaminerconfirmedthat Perry had been sober for 19 months, and no illegaldrugs or paraphernaliawerefoundathisresidence.

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