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Barack Obama lauds Kamala Harris in powerful speech

Barack Obama delivered a powerful speech that highlighted Kamala Harris’s readiness for leadership while takingaimat Donald Trump’s approach to politics.

 Speakingat the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Obama praised Harris as a “champion” of the people, whil ealso critiquing Trump’s focus on superficial matters like crowd sizes.

Amid chants of “Yes, shecan!”, Obama handed the political torch to Harris, emphasizing America’s desire for a new and better direction.

The former president stressed that the country does not need more of Trump’s chaotic leadership, urgingthat the time had come for a new story with Harris at the helm.

In his speech, Obama reflected on his own political journey, drawing parallels between hisrise to prominence and Harris’scareer.

 He under scored Harris’s commitment to justice and herability to connect with the American people, describing her as someone whofights tirelessly for those whoneed a voice.

Obama’s speech wasboth a celebration of Harris and a sharp critique of Trump, whom heportrayed as out of touch with the needs of ordinary Americans.

He pointed out Trump’s fixation on trivial matters and his divisiver hetoric, contrasting it with Harris’s focus on meaningful change.

Obama alsocalled on the audience to vote rathert hanboo, emphasizing the power of participation in democracy.

In a symbolic gesture, Michelle Obama introduced herhusband, echoing her famous “Whenthey go low, we go high” line from 2016.

This time, shespoke more directly about Trump’s attempts to instillfear, and she highlighted the irony of his pursuit of what shetermed a “Black job,” referring to the presidency.

The evening also saw the official nomination of Kamala Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz, marking a significant moment in the campaign.

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