Sixth Generation Warfare: The Biological War

Dr. Badra Gaaloul: President of the International Centre for Strategic Security and Military Studies
Translated by Rania Salah
How is the United States dealing with China’s huge advancement?
Infiltrating and manipulating the Chinese streets has become impossible. The United States no longer controls the cyberwars but rather fears the attack of an electronic war. Its military technical expertise is no longer in the lead as Russia and China have taken control over the field. Thus, the economic war is not in control anymore.
It was once considered the world’s police, though today, it has become a company that can go bankrupt and that is on the brink of collapse. The United States has become a sort of a business controlled by the mafia. Today, the world’s experts and strategists are alluding to the wars of the sixth generation that are backbreaking and dangerous to humanity, especially that the world has become so open. It is the war of viruses, or the war of fatal diseases.
Corona virus was first manifested in the industrial Capital of Hubei Province, located in the Central China region and southern Beijing. But why exactly this city?
The numbers reveal the main reasons:
1- 78% of China’s exports.
2- 33% of China’s GDP.
3- 9% of Copper smelting.
4- 65% of Oil refining operations.
5- 60% of Steel production.
6- 40% of Coal production.
These numbers are simple yet very illustrative. The world is today talking about an artificial virus that will ravage the world starting from China to the rest of the countries. However, we find it weird that it has not yet reached the United States.
Many analysts and experts see that the USA, being economically motivated, is the first responsible for this fabricated crisis, as the Americans’ biggest fear is failing in the Chinese competition.
Other Chinese and Russian experts believe that Corona virus is not a mere coincidence, but rather an industrially created virus, in circumstances of change in powers in terms of the trade war between the United States – the World’s biggest power – and the emerging Chinese giant. As China has become the US’s biggest competitor, the experts confirm that such war is part of the sixth-generation warfare, conducted by intelligent weapons in times of peace or the so-called cold war. Controversially, the patent of this American virus was first revealed following its registration in 2018, as a patent under the number 10130701. Maybe it was an invention to earn money, but it is today being used to destroy countries, stop the world, and end people’s lives.
The first announcement of the sixth-generation warfare was first made by General Vladimir Slipchenko, in reference to the use of high-precision weapon systems that could make the traditional armies useless, through using smart, deadly and contagious weapons, that once spread, they are unstoppable.
“Sayyid Abd-Nabi Mohamed” published a book named “Nations struggle and generations warfare”, where he mentioned a new classification of wars called the sixth-generation warfare.
Russia was the first to address this category of wars, defined it as the type of wars that does not require direct communication and that it was used as an experiment during the Gulf War in the Desert Storm in 1991. Other viruses processed in Kemetyl were integrated in the Iraq War.
Many see that Corona is American made and that its spreading in an alert of the beginning of the wars of the sixth generation.
Some even invoked the declarations of the Finnish Minister of Healthcare, insisting on the fact that the United States is planning to exterminate one-third of the human population through the dissemination of several viruses such as Swine Flu H1N1, Corona, and others.
Igor Nikulin, a former member of the United Nations Biological Weapons Commission, declared that the emergence of the virus could be due to the use of a US biological weapon.
We all remember the one mistake that was made in Indonesia in 2010, when 400 US military bio-laboratories across the world were shutdown as a result of conducting secret experiments on Avian Flu H5N1. The world has then been shaken, however, this virus rapidly spread out and quickly vanished as well!
Prior to the Corona virus spread in China, former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO James Stavridis, warned in an article for Foreign Policy Magazine that the virus can eradicate one-fifth of the world population, that is, the death of more than 400 million people.
The British Daily Mail post mentioned three months before the spread of Corona virus that scientists at the “John Hopkins” for health security have created a virtual epidemiological model. According to this simulation, it is expected that the virus will destroy more than 65 million people around the world in a period less than 18 months.
Today, China is the most affected country, whether the United States and pharmaceutical companies are the biggest beneficiaries. However, the involvement of pharmaceutical companies remains a question to explain these dangerous waves of industrial viruses’ spread. But can we talk about a new war of biological terror?
When we go back in the history of our Arab and African countries, when perceive many disastrous scenarios. With warnings concerning the rapid dissemination of the contagion, and fears of a probable global pandemic, many Arab countries have registered infection cases according to the latest news, knowing that the global readiness rate is at 6%.
Are Arab countries ready for this deadly virus? We are here talking about a humble and deteriorating health sector, which means the susceptibility of the virus spread regionally.
Will Arab governments provide the necessary protection for their citizens? Will the Arab population find enough food and water to store inside their homes during quarantine? Will Arab governments forbid the import of any suspicious products?
The wars of the sixth generation started to spread, with more efficiency and less cost. Work is being done on a British Israeli joint project within the Biological Research Institute in “Ness Ziona” town.
It is considered as the main center for research on secret Israeli arsenal of chemical and biological weapons.
The viruses are spread through water or air to reach a larger number of humans. However, this type of virus will not kill Arabs only but will also be deadly to “Israel” itself as it is breathing the same air and it not far from the Arab region. That is, the Arab region is not its only target, but the whole world is.
Now back to “Corona”, why did China accuse Washington of terror spread and lack of cooperation? Is there a link between the movie “Contagion” and the conspiracy of creating the virus inside US laboratories? How about the popularization of the virus as a divine punishment for the Chinese for their relation with the Arab Muslim world?
Exactly two months before the spread of Corona, a campaign regarding China’s Uighurs and how they are being tortured was launched. The same people behind the campaign talked about the divine punishment of the Chinese as they are torturing and killing the Muslim of China, and the same time, God did not punish the infanticides in Palestine! However, the World Health Organization offered another explanation and defined it as the Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), a deadly disease and a new breed that “has never been identified among humans”.
A disease that attacks the respiratory system, damages the lungs, and passes from animals to humans.
But of course, as an important and dangerous international event, political analysis came on the line and went to say that the virus was created in US laboratories to be spread in China. The main goal is to block China and close its trade and economic markets, considering that China imposed itself as the second greatest economic power in the world. Within the context of the economic American Chinesewar and taking into consideration the reality of the theory with the lack of scientific evidence to prove it, China has become completely isolated from the world. China’s industry, production, and markets are currently closed, plus, everyone is avoiding the Chinese people.
As for the ones who claim to be knowledgeable in religious matters, they did not miss this chance to share their nonsense, away from logic and science, to explain “god’s punishment”. They consider this virus, the Swine Flu that caused China to execute thousands of chickens, in addition to the earthquake that hit a Chinese city, are all“god’s revenge” for the wrongdoings of the Chinese government regarding the Uighur minority.
This “extremist” explanation was mocked by scientists and others. The reality is that the spread of the virus is not exclusive to China only as it reached Arab and Islamic countries, whereas the Palestinian people has been enduring oppression, occupation, destruction, displacement and desecration of Al-Aqsa and the Ebrahimi Mosques, and god did not curse their enemy.
However, this enemy get more powerful, arrogant, and aggressive. It is a controversy that was observed on Arab and Muslim social media accounts.
It is worth noting the irony and the coincidence with the drama and sci-fi movie “Contagion” with the chronicles of the Corona virus outbreak. It is strange to think that the movie was screened in 2011, that is, nine years prior to the Corona outbreak.
It is a coincidence that may be a clear assertion of the US conspiracies square and the timing of the outbreak. In this report, we neither confirm nor deny this coincidence, we shall leave it to reflection.